Thought it may help to take a day to go out with Stryker and the camera somewhere tranquil to figure out what is next in life. Especially with all the un-surety going on in the world.
Thinking…like why, all the regrets in life and more.
All the way there my mind kept replaying many different speeches I heard over the last several years. One in particular about a road less traveled always replays over and over.
By the time we got to Cedar Branch, everything was so rainy and gloomy. No wildlife moving. Nothing. Just me and Stryker, with his head on my lap wonder WTH I was doing. The river area was too washed out to take a two wheel drive on.
So overall, not much was going on there. It’s a place that has not been well kept up.
But hey, …they did have a “brand new” sign.
A road definitely less traveled?