Today, I realized that almost 44 years ago, I had scored an interview with what now is a NBA basketball legend. I hadn’t even remembered, until I found an old school report this morning (shown in the photo gallery below).
It’s crazy, life’s like that. We forget things, at least I do.
I’m realizing I seem to do it more than normal. Have any of ya’ll ever noticed that life seems to repeat, and/or runs in parallel with others. Almost like we’re living in some sort of a matrix.
I had recently found an photo of a dog I had when I was really young. His name was Napper, people have told me that I really loved that dog. Napper mirrored Stryker in so many ways. (See bottom of page)
Now out of the blue, I find this report. Was I a reporter way back, and didn’t remember it. I couldn’t make this stuff up. Fast forward 44 years, I was a photojournalist, correspondent and Digital Soldier ?.

After getting Stryker, I accomplished something that I’ll never ever be able to understand the “Why”, much less “How”. As most of you know we became White House correspondents, and have been blessed to witness so much history. I’ve tired to share it with everyone along the way. Taking nothing for granted.
I say “We” as it’s only deserving to Stryker. He made me disappear from myself. Gave me the courage/strength to dream. Maybe if blessed one day, someone will volunteer to help me write a book about Stryker.
At times, I worry to much, that many may actually think someone must’ve felt sorry for me. I’m sorry that I feel that way. It’s just a feeling I get. It’s a Graves thing.

I earned it, and Stryker was on my heals, blazing his own path. I was more worried about him in those settings, that I would totally forget about me. He was spot on 99.9 percent of the time. He has a way.
When I see people, I haven’t seen in a long time, some will ask what we’ve been up to. When I try to tell them, many look at me kinda sideways.
Truthly, I dreamed, I prayed, and the rest I really can’t explain. When I reached out to people, I never told the majority of them that I even had Stryker. I’m so proud, to be able to say, he leaves people with a smile and full of positivity, even if, only balling up under a small chair.
To be honest, the years of self-doubt, failures, and judgements, is honestly one of the things that drives me inside my nogg’in. I felt someone loved me enough to give me an chance.

I was so emotional and ungrounded when I was attending dog handler class , that I can remember telling the lady who paired me with Stryker months later. “I will make you proud of us.” I’ve tried very very hard to do just that.
An illness I’ve struggled with for years has always made me nervous or emotional. I procrastinate horribly . I’ve failed so many times, you can’t count. I could’ve been a millionaire probably 50 times over. But I had a real problem, that I never really understood. Until I literally was at the worst.
But when challenged with something that I care about, emotionally, I try harder, than most can realize.
Since having Stryker I’ve been able to stay focused longer, grounded healthier. One day, I may find the courage to do a living with Graves Disease video series.
Back to the topic I tried to start with. See what happens. (This post alone overloads my thoughts, and the ability to put words in order. I usually end up editing something 50+ times. I was also a publisher once in the USAF, something I understand somewhat better. )
After attending one of my first events at The White House, I saw Mrs Conway was heading my way down a press line. On her way, I remember watching MSM reporters, asking her the same questions over, and over, and over.
Me being me, I remember asking a very kind secret service member standing beside me, if I could ask Mrs. Conway a question, too.
I probably made a fool out of myself, I stuttered like an idiot. But the look on Mrs. Conways face was almost priceless. When I asked her about service dogs, versus the standard Mueller narrative questions. I think she was a little shocked. I probably just embarrassed myself.
But you know what I learned? I learned I survived. I also, learned that I was just as good as those standing around me. Maybe not as polished. But determined.
Fast forward, two years. I worked to gain respect of those there who respected me as a person.
I truly hope we have made some life-time friends on the road, on social media, and the many places we have been blessed to attend.
That is a achievement in its self, especially in this day of cancel culture. Strength through Positives Bonds.
One thing about having a special dog (they all are special). He can sense those who may have, or may not have, my best interest in mind. It’s sounds crazy, I know. If your ever blessed to have such a bond, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
Don’t laugh please. I literally balled on a administration lady standing in the East Room after she had complimented Stryker’s professionalism. I also broke down in tears on a young lady in lower press, when she handed me a 6-month pass to The White House. I know I sound crazy.
I was so excited that day, Stryker and I, had drove six hours, just to go get a piece of plastic that I could’ve gotten the next time up. ?♂️
It’s hard to explain my mind. Looking back, I probably cried all over the place. I bet everyone thought I was crazy.
Tears, or no tears, I was so proud that I did it myself (with my angel on my hip), We did it, the best we could, considering constraints.
It was an honor of a lifetime.
Thank you all, again. From the bottom of my heart.
It was one hell’ve ride. I just pray we have done well.
Until then. Please research EVERYTHING “for yourself”.