(Going to try and not share any sad pictures of Stryker.. This is why post image will feature photos from misc times.)
Stryker got up slow today. He has a limp in his right front leg. Went outside, did his business. All looked good. Though he ate some grass and threw it back up. Came back in, he then ate really good. Actually begging for more, if he sees it. Went back outside, and darn if he didn’t want to play with his ball. I goofed with him a bit, and came back in. He needed off the leg until I can find out if it’s “C” related or, maybe he just hurt it yesterday while having a good day. He does have the one big mass on his chest near that shoulder, which may be connected to the leg….idk.
At times I don’t even know why I’m spending time even typing this. It’s apparent most my family and friends would rather live their life not understanding fears I face.
I reckon, I do itas it helps me think. I think a lot. To much at times. Just been staying near him, as he is still trying to walk in my every step.
Ever been scared. Well I am. I even told friends I was scared, and why. We’re did that get me. No one believes me.
God graced my life with Stryker (from some from great people), to be my rock/lightning rod on earth over the past 5+ yrs. I have literally walked through a valley of death, with Stryker. Fearing nothing, to stand up for Truth and Free Speech). After I tried I look back. WTH was I thinking.
There was a reason for every step. I know it, I can feel it in my core.
I’ll be ok. Stryker helped me yield the Armor of God to help stand up in front of the enemy, in defense of God’s children, and to end all wars and divisions. Maybe one day, others will understand the why, and why I cared so damn much.) to risk finding truths.
His journey is my journey. My journey is his.
I just don’t want to be selfish, nor do I want to him to suffer. Pray for Gods will, Stryker’s health, and/or for God to give us strength, to make the right decisions. He’s resting now, he’s ate good. Going to chill with him.
Thank You ?
first photo I ever took of Stryker