Stryker’s had a good day so far. His leg has swollen some; yet he wants to go out, eating like a pig. I’m just not gonna let him chase anything. The other day I had caught a picture of it really extended ?, when I tossed him the ball. He’s sleeping now, as we gave him meds for discomfort.

I look at his strength, and his will to not fear. And I’ve been scared, to face down wrongs, over judgements.
I’m not going to fear tomarrow, and I’m not going to fear what we stood for, …together. Free Speech, Free Thought and the Freedom to “Q”uestion, everything without fear of retaliation.
Especially now after, they’ve tried to cancel us through censorship, and Biden admin stopping our emails.
We were never ever disrespectful to anyone, ever.
I’ll always remember when a CNN reporter saying as we passed by, “there’s that hound again”, about Stryker. For that,
I’ll keep telling the truth about what I’ve learned..